Food around the world

This week, I read "Food around the world". 

     Our body needs lots of different nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

"Proteins are also important for healthy hair and fingernails."

I don't know very well about nutrient's effect for body, but especially I was surprised that proteins are important for fingernails. Eating a balanced diet with a lot of nutrients is necessary.

     Some of our favorite foods have a long history. 5,500 years ago, Native Americans made popcorn by cooking the corn over a fire. People enjoyed eating the hot popcorn. This is popcorn's history. Native Americans also invented chocolate about 2,000 years ago. First they dried cacao seeds and crashed. Then they added chili peppers and water, so 

"the chocolate drink wasn't sweet-it was bitter!"

I didn't know the fact. I learned many things from the book. Present sweet chocolate was made by Spanish, And a Swiss chocolate maker invented a chocolate candy with milk. It is milk chocolate!

     Every country has typical dishes that are popular with local people. For example, in Italy pasta and pizza are typical dishes. In addition, there are many dishes in the world such as Brazil's pao de queijo, Turkey's simit, UK's custard Indonesia's Alpokat, and Morocco's tajine... When I visit foreign country, I would like to challenge typical dishes. 





Bad dog? Good dog!